Where are you planning on taking your next vacation? You can always go on a cruise or to Hawaii for a relaxing, scenic and fun getaway. Those are always a great choice, but you tend to know what to expect. Why not take a vacation to a location that is so over the top and ridiculous that you never know what you’ll see from one section to the next? Why not take a trip to Dubai, the largest and most populous city in the United Arab Emirates (UAE)? Although, if you do, plan to spend a lot of money.

Dubai is the fourth most visited city in the world, behind only Bangkok, London and Paris. Dubai grew quickly due to oil revenue, but today, oil sales make up less than five percent of its economy, and tourism is its main focus. With one of the lowest crime rates in the world and a truly lavish, well… everything, it’s easy to see why this destination is so popular. But it is also totally insane.

By Dave