This is the time of day where we are going to talk about boobs. Is everyone ready for some serious boob talk? We are currently living in what we like to call, “a big boob culture.” Big boobs are praised in this country and some women spend good money on a set of their own if they weren’t born….well…well endowed. Others stared in the mirror doing weird exercises or rubbed their boobs at night or prayed to god that someday their boobs would grow. Remember… “we must… we must… we must increase our bust?” Just us? Okay cool!

But those women out there who were born with big boobs know the truth about being big and busty. Big boobs can cause back issues. They are constantly getting in the way and they can be very uncomfortable. They are hard to cover up, they make your bra straps dig into your shoulders and they can be a lot of work. So while having boobs seems like a dream, they can be a lot to manage. 


By Dave