Hey there. What’s your astrological sign? No, we are not throwing you a bad pickup line, we are actually curious. What sign are you? Are you an over-the-top but lovable Leo? Are you stubborn like a Taurus bull? Are you a sensitive, emotional Cancer? How about a meticulous Virgo? A balance Libra? A passionate Scorpio? A two-faced, lying Gemini? Yeah, you read that right. Sorry in advance to our Gemini readers out there.

Whenever you are in a room and someone announces that they are a Gemini, have you noticed that suddenly everyone goes quiet. There is something about that sign that rubs people the wrong way. It comes with a stigma attached to it. What is that all about? Gemini’s are seen as crazy or two-faced. They are considered to be manipulative, narcissistic and selfish. I know, I’ve dated one. Look, every sign has their quirks and bad qualities, so why do Gemini’s also get the bad rap over everyone else?

By Dave