Pets are the best and we simply don’t deserve them. Whether a kitten or a puppy, they’re adorable little bundles of affection and love. Well… maybe not cats so much. They’re kind of standoffish and spiteful most of the time, but when they do show you love, it’s all the more worth it. And dogs are just so innocent and pure that you can’t help but feel better when you’re around them. Being loved by an animal is one of the greatest feelings on Earth.

However, there is such a thing as having too much love. Sometimes our pets can get a bit needy and need you to love them. All. The. Time. We love them, too, but sometimes we have other things we need to do. But our pets don’t care. They need attention and they need it now. Here are some pets that have no sense of personal space, no matter what you’re up to.

By Dave