Whenever you’re upset about the state of the world, just turn to food. And not just to eat your emotions, but as a reminder of how good we have it. We’re living in an era where food can be mass produced and bought on a whim. No longer do we have to forage, farm and hunt for a meal. Now, we can just grab it from a gas station. Or even a classy spot… like a really nice gas station.

Unfortunately, some maniacs can’t leave well enough alone. It’s nice that we not only have a large amount of food, but also a large variety so we never have to get bored. And yet, some individuals became bored and started to experiment. And like with some experiments, it lead to abominations. Here are some examples of food combos that flew too close to the sun, and the sun was just like, “Yuck. Nooooope.”

By Dave