When you are a little kid, you can’t wait to get older. Then when you grow up, you keep wishing you were a kid again. This is one of the greatest tragedies of life. When we are young naive idiots, we don’t realize how good we have it. We don’t understand what real responsibility is yet. We fight back against any authority that’s pushed on us, saying things like, “No! I don’t want to take a nap!” Taking a nap is the biggest drama in a young person’s life.

And then we grow up and enter the work force, and every day at two in the afternoon you think, “Damn… a nap would be so good right now.” What can we learn from this? Appreciate you’re youth. Whether you’re two, twelve or twenty, don’t take a single day for granted. As you get older, things get much more complicated and well, different. Here are some vast differences before and after you turn 30 that will make you want to go back in time.

By Dave