Kids these days have no idea what life was like back in the day. Look, we are not even that old, but when we grew up there was no such thing as texting your friends to say “what’s up.” Say what!? We are talking about the days before DVR was invented. When you had to be home to catch your favorite TV shows. We are talking way before Spotify and even before iPhones and iTunes were even an idea.

We want to take you back, before laptops and Google and Google Maps and all the other kinds of technology we use all day, every day and can’t live without. Somehow, many moons ago, we lived without all of it. And not only did we live without it, but we were still happy and we still survived. It is crazy to think about, isn’t it? Here are 20 things from back in the day that today’s teens just go “HUH” to.

By Dave