“Did you know that it takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile? The past is history and the future is a mystery. This moment right now is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present. There’s so much beauty in the world how could anyone ever be down? Just go for a walk and get some fresh air and it’ll perk you right up! Fake it until you make it, and you’ll feel better eventually!”

Do you know any perpetually happy folks that spew saying like these at you? Aren’t they just the worst? If you need a smile, just picture them slipping off a trampoline and you writing “Why aren’t you smiling?” on their cast. The truth is, life can be rough sometimes. That’s just how it is. Being told to smile won’t help. But if you are in need of a good laugh, we don’t have tired cliches. We have hilarious photos that just might actually work in lifting your spirits.

By Dave