Ah, it’s that time of year once again. The snow is melting, the flowers are blooming and bears are coming out of hibernation. This can mean only one thing: a great fear is descending upon your heart and you’re beginning to prepare for all out war. That’s because while Spring is lovely and it’s wonderful to exit the gloom of winter, you have to cross a dangerous threshold to fully get into this next season, and that barrier is April Fools’ Day.

It’s ironic that even though winter is over, you want to go into hibernation every first day of April to hide from everyone willing to play pranks on you. Is there any way to get past this holiday unscathed? There is. The best defense is a good offense, so you should prank before you get pranked yourself. If you’re not the pranking type, don’t worry. We’ve assembled a list of devious yet harmless gags you can pull off with ease. Learn to love instead of fear this day from now on.

By Dave