Cats are the cutest and are practically perfect in every way, aren’t they? If you truly believe this, then you clearly haven’t spent a whole lot of time around these little furry nightmares. Sure, they’re cute and cuddly in doses…but if you literally run them the wrong way they will pop their claws like little Wolverines and slice you up. And that’s if you’re lucky. Because besides biting and scratching, cats can do so, so much worse.

Cats can surely be prickly physically, but emotional damage and manipulation is where they shine. Well, “shine” isn’t the right word, because it’s a dark cloud they bring over us when they do it. Sure, they’re cute, but they know it and that’s how they get away with this stuff. Here are examples of times cats have trolled us intentionally. And no, it’s not an accident. Don’t let their cute faces deceive you. These little devils know exactly what they’re doing.

By Dave