What’s your favorite dessert? Do you enjoy something that you can sit down to like pie? Or do you enjoy cake every day and don’t need a celebration of some kind as an excuse to indulge in your favorite treat? Maybe you like cookies because they’re a little bit more portable and easy to eat on the go… although for that to be the case you’d only be able to eat as many as you can carry at one time, and if you don’t eat at least 26 cookies at a time, then what is even the point?

As for us, our favorite is unquestionably ice cream. It’s not only the most fun and delicious dessert out there, but it’s also the most versatile. You can add ice cream to cake, pies and cookies for crying out loud! Plus, they can come in just about any flavor. However, just because they can, doesn’t mean they should, as you’ll soon see with this monstrous affront to everything ice cream should stand for…

By Dave