Dogs. Need we say more? We talk about dogs a lot here at Sarcasm Society, and that’s because dogs are the best. We only deal in things that are the best, and dogs are it. Not only are they cute, but they’re helpful. They can fetch stuff for us, help ease anxiety, track down lost items and people or even bring you alcohol at the top of a frosty mountain to warm yourself up with as they drag you to safety. Do we watch too many old cartoons? Probably! But that still sounds great, doesn’t it? Dogs are the best.

However, while dogs are the best, they aren’t perfect. From time to time, your pup may have an accident in the middle of your living room and make a permanent stain on your carpet. Sometimes they destroy your blinds or chew up the corners of your couch. These are just minor annoyances, though. Some dogs have more severe behavioral issues, and more drastic steps need to be taken other than simple scoldings…

By Dave