Remember being a kid? It’s hard to, what with all the pressures and stresses of being an adult. We’re too preoccupied with responsibilities at our jobs, worrying about paying bills and don’t even get us started on paying taxes, because we’re actually not entirely sure if we’re doing them right or what exactly they’re for. Honestly, we’re all just kinda barely mentally getting by, hoping no one notices we have no idea what we’re doing. Things were so much simpler when we were younger.

When we were little kids, before entering school our main concerns were about how much fun we could have and what we could get away with. That was it. Even when we were in school, homework wasn’t that big of a deal and we were still more focused on enjoying life as much as possible. And what was more enjoyable that your birthday? Now, it’s just a reminder of your mortality and your inevitable march towards oblivion. But back then, birthdays were the best…

By Dave