What did you want to be when you grew up? Did you want to grow up to help others and become a doctor? How about a lawyer? A teacher? What about a marine biologist? Save the whales! When we were little kids, we had hopes and dreams that didn’t fall far from these categories and it was hard to even imagine being anything else but what you saw your parents or their friends pursuing.

But, my how the times have changed. If you talk to someone who was born anytime in the last 20 years, you may hear a different kind of answer. Go ahead and ask a child or a teenager what they want to be when they grow up. You may hear that they want to be any of those things mentioned above, but most likely their answers will be things like, “famous” or  “A Youtube sensation.” They may even go as far as to tell you that they want to be an Instagram influencer. ????

By Dave