Everyone on this planet should be forced to work in the food service industry for at least a year. At least! Just like we are expected to pay our taxes and to vote, this should be another one of our civic duties. And if you have ever worked in a restaurant or an establishment of that nature, chances are that you feel the same way. 

Waiting tables and busing tables is harder than it looks. And sure, like many jobs, it’s exhausting and takes a toll on your body. But, waiting tables is also hard because people are rude. And they are not even just rude. They are downright mean! Every day you are forced to wait on demanding customers that feel like you owe them something. The abuse that you endure from dealing with difficult customers is way more exhausting than running around from table to table taking orders. And the money isn’t always worth it in the end compared to all the hell that you have to go through. 

By Dave