What helps you relax? Meditation is a great way to slow down the world around you. By focusing on your breathing, you can slow down your heart rate and lessen your anxiety. However, in order to do that you need to be able to find some time and the peace of mind to devote to this activity, so sadly, not enough of us do it. But that’s okay, because there are other options that require less thought and effort.

Tea is a great herbal remedy for all sorts of issues, stress included. It’s easy, too. You just brew some up or grab it from the store and indulge in it. And speaking of herbal remedies, marijuana has been shown to help you relax. And with it becoming legal in more and more states, it’s easier and safer than ever to get your hands on. But how relaxing would it be to combine these two? One company is way ahead of you and ready to sell the calming cannabis combo…

By Dave