To all our vegetarian and vegan readers out there, we want you to know that we love and appreciate you. It’s for that very reason that we’re warning you that this article may be a bit much for you, as it’s some of our meatiest content ever. Because as much as we love you, we love hamburgers, steaks, ribs and all other manner of BBQ items just that much more. It may not be good for us, but dang it, it’s so tasty.

Just let us live a little, even though consuming too much of these carnivorous creations will ultimately lead to us living a little less. It’s a risk we’re willing to take. But how bad is meat for us? While it tastes good, it can do some strange, funky things to our bodies. One phenomenon is so bizarre that many think it’s a myth. Well, we’re here to tell you that it’s real, and we have the science to back it up…

By Dave