Does it feel like our lives are busier than ever? While we have more conveniences than ever, such as YouTube and Netflix allowing us to find any and every show from our childhoods and watch whatever episode we want, all these amazing things come at a cost. Namely: money. And to make money, you have to work. And work. Can. Be. Exhausting. What ever happened to the good old days when we were kids and didn’t have to pay bills or taxes and could just do whatever we wanted? Oh yeah… we grew up.

We never knew how sweet of a deal we had when we were kids. Can you imagine that we used to actually fight our parents when they tried telling us to take a nap? Now, we would pay top dollar for such a luxury. Sadly, we can’t do that, because we have to work, and sleeping on the job is usually frowned upon. Luckily, there are now products that can help us out…

By Dave