If you live in an area where you never have to worry about going thirsty, consider yourself lucky. Gaining access to clean drinking water wasn’t always so easy. But now, not only are we able to quench our thirst with that life-giving liquid whenever we need, we can also gulp down a seemingly infinite amount of beverages. We’re living in an era of unimaginable choices, and they can frankly be quite overwhelming. When it comes to your favorite drink, what’s your go-to?

Do you enjoy sports drinks like Gatorade to replenish your electrolytes? Do you prefer a juice to get some vitamins in you? What about milk? It does a body good, after all. Then, there are sodas (or “pops” if you’re in the Midwest). There are so many different brands and flavors out there to choose from it’s kind of ridiculous. However, one particular brand recently went from “kind of” to “absolutely” ridiculous recently with one of their flavor options…

By Dave