Love is the greatest thing in the world, if the topic of 95.6% of songs ever written is any indicator. If you find that special someone, you not only found someone to eventually split rent with (which is good enough on its own), but you also found someone to do things with. Oh, and they also make you feel less alone, understood and can even make you learn to love yourself, even your faults because they’re a part of you and if this amazing person can love even your faults, then darn it, you can learn to as well.

That’s the power of love… when it’s used for good. Because not all of those 95.6% of songs ever written are about how wonderful and conflict-free love is. A good portion of them (51.4%, so roughly half, while we’re throwing out made-up numbers) are about how much love can hurt. But while some people only write a song when they get their heartbroken, several others? Well, they get even…

By Dave