Why does everyone consider sliced bread to be the greatest invention of all time, so much so that all other great inventions must be compared to it? Any time a breakthrough is made that will greatly improve humans’ day to day conveniences, someone always chimes in with a, “This is the greatest thing since sliced bread!” What about indoor plumbing? If you eat too much bread you can get backed up, and when it finally comes unclogged, you’re gonna curse sliced bread for being too easy to consume and bless toilets for existing.

But you know what’s even better than toilets? Toilet paper. Many of us go camping for fun, and we wind up having to use the bathroom in the woods. Sure, indoor plumbing is preferable, but it isn’t entirely necessary. But you know what you always bring lots of on camping trips? Toilet paper. TP should be the benchmark for which other inventions’ greatness is judged by. However, even with an invention this great, bigger doesn’t mean better…

By Dave