There are nearly eight billion people on the planet. Each and every one of them is a unique individual with their own tastes and preferences. Not every one of the 8,000,000,000 individuals will be able to agree on any one thing. And that’s okay. Our differences is what makes us unique. We don’t all have to enjoy the same things. For example, some people really enjoy pineapples on pizza, and other people are correct.

However, despite all these differences and the need to recognize it’s okay to have different tastes, there are some things that are just over the line. When it comes to food, we all have our opinions, but some things are just facts. And this one particular food trend is factually incorrect on a number of different levels. There’s nothing subjective about it. This combination of foods is objectively terrible, and it needs to be brought to your attention immediately so we can band together and stop it before it spreads any further.

By Dave