The elderly and the young have a lot in common. Kids and old people have a fun yet horrifyingly lack of a filter when expressing their opinions. If you bring a new boyfriend or girlfriend home for Thanksgiving, the last people you want to be sitting next to are your grandparents or your nephews and nieces. They won’t be the least bit shy to ask prying, embarrassing and inappropriate questions loud and proud in front of everyone. They also both like naps. But to be fair, who doesn’t?

But one thing you may not have thought that infants and senior citizens may share are appearances. After all, one group are fresh out of the womb into the world while the other group has been around for decades, gathering miles on their minds and bodies. Yet, sometimes babies can look like old people, and when they do, it’s absolutely awesome and adorable. But don’t take our word for it. See for yourself…

By Dave