Vandalism is a crime that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Imagine opening a business, sinking all your time and money into an establishment you hope to succeed, then one day arrive to work to find that someone spray painted all over the walls. That wouldn’t be too cool. That being said, in the right time and place, graffiti can be true art. There are countless exhibits of street artists showing off their craft, and it’s often crazy impressive.

However, technical skill isn’t the only way that graffiti can be art. Sometimes, it can be so hilarious that it transcends being a juvenile misdemeanor. What we’ve assembled here is a collection of graffiti that’s so funny and so true that if the perpetrator was caught, the only thing the authorities should do is thank them for the joy they’re bringing into all of our lives. And then maybe make them clean it up, cause seriously, not cool, fellas.

By Dave