Outrage was sparked on Twitter recently. Granted, that’s like saying that a toilet was flushed in a bathroom recently. That’s just how it goes these days. But this was a particularly unique and hotly debated topic. A Twitter user posted an image of something they brought into the office that they claimed was a hit, but left the vast majority of people viewing it scratching their heads at best or screaming while clutching their pearls at worst. What was it exactly that stirred up all the furor?

It was a photo of the bagels they brought into their workplace. Were the bagels covered in maggots or the blood of kittens? Were they pizza bagels that he put pineapples on? No. They were regular bagels you’d find anywhere. The distinction is how they were presented. This man claimed these bagels were St. Louis style. What exactly is St. Louis style? Well, read on, but be warned, what you’re about to see are some serious crimes against the sanctity of bagels.

By Dave