Thank goodness for mirrors. Can you imagine how chaotic the world would be if we didn’t have reflective surfaces to check ourselves out in before leaving in the morning and periodically throughout the day? Everyone’s hair would be a mess, pieces of spinach would be stuck in teeth possibly forever and we’d never know how we look in our outfits until we catch judgmental looks from strangers who look equally as bad as we do but are also hopelessly unaware.

So three cheers for mirrors! Heck, eight cheers for mirrors, since that’s a three reflected back onto itself. We’ve all grown up with mirrors our entire lives. It’s a relatively low-tech, simple concept to grasp when it comes to how they work. And yet… there are people out there that seemingly forgot how mirrors operate. So let’s reflect on these individuals and the hilarity that ensues when the mirrors look back at them and cause us to face palm so, so hard.

By Dave